The future of education is here

TeachUp instantly creates career-connected lesson plans that inspire students, enable better learning outcomes, and save you time.

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The Challenges Teachers Face

Engagement & Behavior

Keeping students engaged is tough. From students falling behind to behavioral challenges, it's a real struggle.

Time & Resources

There's never enough time or resources. Teachers are doing more with less, and it's never easy.

Diverse Needs

Every student is unique, but meeting diverse needs with limited tools is a constant challenge.

Real-World Connection

Connecting lessons to the real world? It's essential but often missing, leaving students wondering, "Why does this matter?"

We Help by Revolutionizing Your Lesson Plans with AI

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TeachUp is a platform that instantly creates high school lesson plans that are enriched with real world applications. Our platform empowers teachers with AI tools to help them save time, create lessons that will engage distracted students, and educate students about a wide range of careers.

Features & Benefits

Our platform offers a range of features designed to enhance the learning experience and connect classroom concepts to real-world applications. Here are some of the key benefits for educators and students:


Generate Lesson Plans in 1 Minute

The process of creating effective lesson plans is time-consuming. TeachUp acts as your assistant to save you time and produce helpful lesson plans instantly.


Real World Applications

Career and real-world context in learning can help students understand the importance of course material, boosting their motivation and engagement. TeachUp lesson plans automatically link educational content to careers, enhancing student engagement and preparing them for the future.


Automatic Teaching Standards

We understand how important it is to ensure that lesson plans reference and align with state and local educational standards. TeachUp automatically adds the relevant teaching standards to the lesson plans to make sure they are aligned with state expectations.


Customize Teaching Method

TeachUp enables teachers to meet diverse learning styles of your students by giving you ability to select the teaching method most appropriate for your class, and automatically aligning the lesson plans to this method.


Edit Lesson Plan

Teachers must be adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing classroom dynamics. This means being open to modifying the lesson plan based on students' needs, questions, or the need for deeper exploration of a topic. TeachUp enables teachers to personalize, modify, delete, and format lesson plans to their preference.

What Teachers Are Saying:

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TeachUp transformed my lesson objectives into a full lesson plan with real world applications. It saved me time and my students loved it.

How It Works:

Within moments, watch as TeachUp's AI technology crafts your objectives into lessons that bridge classroom learning to future careers.


Add Details

Educators enter their lesson objective, duration of lesson, grade level, and teaching method.


Generate Lesson

Click 'Generate', and watch as the AI engine creates a lesson plan with relevant real-world and career information.


Personalize Lesson

Use the generated lesson plan as starting point, and customize it to fit your needs with our built in lesson plan editor.


Bridging the gap between today's lessons and tomorrow's leaders.